Thanks for downloading my skin. This is my second skin, I hope you like it. All graphics are made by myself except for the clouds :p This is supposed to be some kind of framework from a assault cannon against attacking kamikaze zeppelins. cool huh? anyway this is based on some tropical island in the carribean, if you look through the framework in the main window you might get some ideas in yer head about that. It just reminds me of the tropical stuff, and that they never clean up old scrap metal because they're too lazy to do that.
see ya
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy 2 - Memorial Edition v.02
copyright 2001 by C. Pitts
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
Anyways, a lot of work went into this, so don't mess with it or rip it off o ...
Object: Visual Interface for Winamp 2.9 (skin)
Data of creation: June 24, 2003
Tools: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8.0
Author: Ibraim Soltonbaev
- e-mail: info-is@in-file
- url: www.geocities.com/ibrweb
"What is cyberdimension? It is a place whe ...
XPAmp v1.1 - The first Windows XP based Winamp skin.
02-22-2001 by Gertjan van der Veldt
Version 1.1 - 02-22-2001
- Removed the old windows logo and added the official Windows XP logo.
Enjoy my fourth WinAmp skin.
My other Winamp skin ...
Jet Set Willy - The Winamp Years
(c) 2003 Neil Harvey
The Year was 1983, or maybe '84, I forget,
computers were measured in Kb, not Gb, games
were just breaking out of the pong/inva ...
Winamp skin numero 2!!!
[Foss Amp]
A tribute to the sci-fi art of Chris Foss. If you are thinking "who is he?", well he has painted
covers for almost every sci-fi novel published. He also did some of the design work for the
movies "Alien", "Dune ...