KAMIKAZE/ATTACKERThanks for downloading my skin. This is my second skin, I hope you like it. All graphics are made by myself except for the clouds :p This is suppo
Thanks for downloading my skin. This is my second skin, I hope you like it. All graphics are made by myself except for the clouds :p This is supposed to be some kind of framework from a assault cannon against attacking kamikaze zeppelins. cool huh? anyway this is based on some tropical island in the carribean, if you look through the framework in the main window you might get some ideas in yer head about that. It just reminds me of the tropical stuff, and that they never clean up old scrap metal because they're too lazy to do that.
see ya
Fever Amp:
Inspired by the vibration of Kylie...
Tried to give a feeling of High-Tension Power, smoking under a surface of restraint, just waiting to shake your soul with some good loving!
This skin was made to be my regular skin, so sorry if you ...
SAAB 95 Skin V1.2 13/11/1999
This is my first attempt a Winamp skin and was created
because I was bored and it seemed like something to do.
I used Paintshop Pro 5 for most of the work but used ...