Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule surrounded by mountains and forests, legends told of an omnipotent and omniscient Golden Power that resided in a hidden land. One day evil power began to flow from the Golden Land, so the King commanded seven wise man to seal its gate. That seal should have remained for all time...
ZELDA AMP III: Link to the Past
Update 2.9:
I replaced the playlist and added the Media Library, so now
Library stack perfectly in that order, creating a pretty smooth little place. The minibrowser and Video windows are now freakish rejects, so deal with it. The video was originally this skin's minibrowser, and the minibrowser is from Zelda Amp: Gold Version. I also redid the Windowshade versions so that they look better together too. Have fun with this skin.
Special Thanks to:
Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto for making the Zelda games,
Hyrule.com.ar, where I started collecting screenshots prior to downloading ZSNES,
Whoever made ZSNES,
Me for making this winamp skin: info-is@in-file
And to Stephen Moss, ( www.memlo.net) whose excellent MAJOR TOM winamp skin inspired me to copy his text.bmp. (Hey, most people just use a generic font, and changing the color in MS paint was not easy)
Characters and graphics copyright 1991, 1992 Nintendo
K'Nex Amp
For/Para Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
By/Por: El*ArGeNtO
What can I say about this skin? As a child I used to love this toys (and i still love it) I started this skin a ...
:: Breeder Unit v1 ::
made for breed release #21
Tribute to Zkreso's breedart.org interface. Thanks to everyone at skinlove and breed, and especially ViDA for hints on how to improve my technique.
NBP amp v. 2.50
This skin was created especialy for www.winamp.mp4.pl coolest web site in Poland!
Skóra stworzona specjalnie dla najlepszego serwisu WWW w polsce : www.winamp.mp4.pl!
This skin is a freeware.
Ta skóra jest freeware.
It's not alo ...
Aguileramp: "Old School" Version 1.9
Created By L. Bacud
March 26th 2003 Update: April 15th 2003
A Christina Aguilera Winamp 2.9 skin showing Christina's vintage feel, with her modern edge. Tommy Hilfiger said that Christi ...
TribalWar.com Companion Skin
DwarfVader 2005, info-is@in-file
Made for your visual utility:
-100% completely customized for WA versions 2.x, 5.x plus MikroAmp, Album List and Announcer plug-ins
-+MikroAmp users will notice a customized "Now Playing" ...
UglyMetal [2]
La segunda version del anterior UglyMetal y el hermano de "MixVibesAmp Alpha", viene en 3 versiones, 10200, 00102 y 01020.
En breve llegara la nueva version de MixVibesAamp: "Beta".
--------- ...
this is a sequel to my last skin ... titan - envoy
actually when i was almost done W3 was out and then i thought
oh oh .... lot more work ..... but guess some of you guys are still
using it .... so wa lah ....
thanx for your support
in ...
v2.9 updated for winamp 2.9,
added video and medialibrary windows,
fixed a couple of minor bugs
after seeing the documentary Dogtown and z-boys at
the 2002 International Film Festival of Rotterdam
I was inspired to make ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
For Winamp Classic
This is Sophomore, a simple skin with a slightly more complicated history.
I guess it was in 2002 that I discovered Ahra's SophontAmp (v2.0) skin. I liked the concept but thought it could ...