Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule surrounded by mountains and forests, legends told of an omnipotent and omniscient Golden Power that resided in a hidden
Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule surrounded by mountains and forests, legends told of an omnipotent and omniscient Golden Power that resided in a hidden land. One day evil power began to flow from the Golden Land, so the King commanded seven wise man to seal its gate. That seal should have remained for all time...
ZELDA AMP III: Link to the Past
Update 2.9:
I replaced the playlist and added the Media Library, so now
Library stack perfectly in that order, creating a pretty smooth little place. The minibrowser and Video windows are now freakish rejects, so deal with it. The video was originally this skin's minibrowser, and the minibrowser is from Zelda Amp: Gold Version. I also redid the Windowshade versions so that they look better together too. Have fun with this skin.
Special Thanks to:
Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto for making the Zelda games,
Hyrule.com.ar, where I started collecting screenshots prior to downloading ZSNES,
Whoever made ZSNES,
Me for making this winamp skin: info-is@in-file
And to Stephen Moss, ( www.memlo.net) whose excellent MAJOR TOM winamp skin inspired me to copy his text.bmp. (Hey, most people just use a generic font, and changing the color in MS paint was not easy)
Characters and graphics copyright 1991, 1992 Nintendo
Hey this is my first skin,,,so plz,,,be gentle :D
plz dont steal any thing from this skin without asking me first
if u wanna contact me just goto my website:
www.envy.nu/nrj/ ...