Heather Kozar Winamp Skin by Tatu
Thank you for downloading this skin ... hope you like it !!!
Heather Kozar was the playmate of the American Playboy last year ...
The pics used on the skin were taken from the US Playboy site and
others, because Playboy doesnīt show all her pics :-(
If you have any sugestions please e-mail me ...
PS: All my other skins can be found at my site
(And future releases too !!!)
PS 2: This skin donīt have minibrowser (Does anybody really use it ??)
Name: HmmXP
Version: 1.00
Date: 5/22/2005
Author: Joe W. Garrett (aka Garet Jax)
You may use whatever you like from my series of skins however, you must follow a two step process i ...
Here is another Utena skin! It's from an ad for the new Utena movie that is
coming out soon in Japan. Wow, this movie looks funky! Not that the
series itself isn't surreal in the extreme, but the new character designs
are a bit different, ...
High-Fidelity is a Stereo Integrated Music Centre, based on the original WinAmp Media Player, from Nullsoft Inc. High-Fidelity consists of three (3) main components: Main, Equalizer and Playlist.
Installatio ...
Made by rohieb with a little help from MS Paint and self written editor (and, of course, a computer!). Took only a few hours, cuz I took the same scheme as the Just Red skin. Look for the Just Red and Just Black skins too.
info-is@in-file ...
--={Dark Angel Amp}=--
v 1.0
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website : http://reciprocal.cjb.net
ICQ # : 110731686
Date : 05/24/01
--={ Comments }=--
A Skin based on one of my favorite TV shows, Dark Angel.
Producto de Daniel's Wolrd
Buenos Aires Argentina
Hola, Saludos a los que vean este documento.
Si usted esta leyendo esto, significa que pude hacer que mi amp
apareciera en winamp.com o en otra pagina parecida y ...