Heather Kozar Winamp Skin by Tatu-----------------------------------Thank you for downloading this skin ... hope you like it !!!Heather Kozar was the playmate of
Heather Kozar Winamp Skin by Tatu
Thank you for downloading this skin ... hope you like it !!!
Heather Kozar was the playmate of the American Playboy last year ...
The pics used on the skin were taken from the US Playboy site and
others, because Playboy doesn´t show all her pics :-(
If you have any sugestions please e-mail me ...
PS: All my other skins can be found at my site
(And future releases too !!!)
PS 2: This skin don´t have minibrowser (Does anybody really use it ??)
name: Hooverphonic
By : Salvatore
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
Because Hooverphonic makes fantastic music
I decided to make this skin for them.
they might need a cool skin too.
Comments/ideas are welcome.
other skins;
the Matrix sk ...
Hand Written by -Drew BrandŽ.
Hey Look! Winamp on paper!
It's supposed to look like its written in pencil. And look, even the teacher's marked it. She gave it an 'F+'. I hope you can give it a little better...
Updated for Winamp 5 Feb 2006 ...