Columbus Crew
By Mattias Karlsson
This is the first skin I make by request, and so long the only.
I dont remember the name on the guy who wanted it, but he was a fan
of columbus crew and MLS.
For you who dont know Columbus Crew is a soccer team in MLS.
--[ Round AMP ]--
(for Winamp 2.x)
This is my 2nd Winamp skin,
--[ distribute freely, but please don't modify the images. thanks ]--
Made by:Peng
E-mail:info-is@in-file ...
-** The Silence Amp **-
-April, 2000
--This skin was created with Adobe Photoshop 5.5, my brain & a lot of time :)
--The cursors were done with Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
--Check out some other stuff I've done at my web page:
http://www ...
=[Rei Ayamami Skin for Winamp 2.0+]=
=[W.h.a.t.'.s. .T.h.i.s]======================
You all probably already know what this is,
otherwise you wouldn't have downloaded it.
But for you who don't know, this is a ...
"Karma Slave"
by Heyoka
Completed: 05/28/01
Subject: Sha Gojyo from the manga/anime Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura
Description: I called the working file "wetslutgojyo". I think that says it all. :D
Tools: Paint Shop Pro 6 w/Super Blade Pro
Th ...
Look! It's Card Captor Kamui and Fuuma-chan! hehehe :) Too bad the bars on
the EQ skin block some of the view, but you can see here that Kamui is leafing
through the book of Clow, and that Fuuma has Sakura's wand. And Kero-chan
seems to b ...