Columbus CrewBy Mattias Karlssoninfo-is@in-fileThis is the first skin I make by request, and so long the only.I dont remember the name on the guy who wanted it,
Columbus Crew
By Mattias Karlsson
This is the first skin I make by request, and so long the only.
I dont remember the name on the guy who wanted it, but he was a fan
of columbus crew and MLS.
For you who dont know Columbus Crew is a soccer team in MLS.
-> contraCLASSIX10k2 -- Ergo
-> by contra
-> eMail: info-is@in-file
-> Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.
contains elements of the "Classix 10k2" skin by gigatexel.
you cannot redistribute or use any elements of this skin without written permi ...