Sleek Skin for winamp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my third skin that I officially published(the other two are Raw amp,Illusion)I think I've come far from those skins with this one.I've skinned most of the windo ...
|** S T E E L E D**|
1.Contains skinz for :-
d.Mini Browser
e.Winamp AVS (Advanced Vis Studio)
2 ...
============ lavalAMP - Aqua ============
This skin was created in August 2002 by
Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)
If you're planning on taking credit for
this skin or publishing it without
mentioning me, DONT! because it took
flippin ages, usin ...
o What has the skin bin thru?
Some hardcore plastic-surgery added some new body-parts named Browser 'n AVS. It realy takes your breath away, though the AVS was just done as a fasten your seatbelts kinda thing.
Some flat makeover in t ...