Rebecca Romijn Winamp skin 1.0
made by M. G. Martina, The Netherlands
skins for the playlist & the equalizer will follow
enjoy ..
No copyright, feel free to modify (not ne ...
¤º°` Skin classique pour winamp 2.9x `°º¤ø,¸
Skin totalement FR
Création originale Lorene Lalonde (sans qui ce skin ne serait pas)
Adaptation reussie : skinskinner (mini navigateur et tant d'autres choses)
Finalisation, curseurs, peaufinage : wina ...
info-is@in-file http://saotome.ranma.com.ar/
Hialloz, in case you didn´t notice, the "things"
that work as the equalizer´s buttons are tiny steaming versions of those
big deformed kettles that are so often seen in Ranma 1/2. If you press on
them, wh ...