B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
for Winamp 2.x
_ Designed by Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ The pictures are from the cover of the CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ It's recommended to use Winamp 2.x
You'll get the last version on www.winamp.com
_ Thanks to:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, October 1999
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
para Winamp 2.x
_ Realizado por Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ Las caricaturas perteencen al CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ Se recomienda Winamp 2.x
Encontrarás la última versión en www.winamp.com
_ Agradecimientos:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, Octubre de 1999
Amateur Nite
copyright 2002 by C. Pitts
e-mail : info-is@in-file
Notes: All images of Heather used in the creation of this skin are copyright 2000 to Ideepthroat.com and were used without knowledge or permission. Please visit Heather's website ...
Sinfest Nights
Version 1.01
By flatmatt
Relax. This will only hurt a little.
Ever since my friend linked me to http://www.sinfest.net, I've been hooked. Tatsuya Ishida's Sinfest is a hilarious comic with gr ...
Bob And George, the Winamp Skin!
Based on Bob And George, the Comic! by David Anez from BobandGeorge.com
Too bad I just barely missed the aniversary comics. Maybe I could have been a cameo. But nobody would get it any ...
R - E - F - L - E - C - T - I - O - N
This skin was made:
- on PhotoShop 5.5
- under WinAmp 2.74
If you haven't
get it from
skin files
C --- O --- M --- M --- E --- N ...
Pántha Rei 1.06 (19.3.2001)
Finally I've done the first full functionally version of my 3rd skin!
This skin looks simple in a way, but still it took me a very long time to
do it...maybe cos I've tried out so many things?!
And I have to a ...