..................................................................... B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1 for Winamp 2.x ................................
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
for Winamp 2.x
_ Designed by Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ The pictures are from the cover of the CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ It's recommended to use Winamp 2.x
You'll get the last version on www.winamp.com
_ Thanks to:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, October 1999
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
para Winamp 2.x
_ Realizado por Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ Las caricaturas perteencen al CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ Se recomienda Winamp 2.x
Encontrarás la última versión en www.winamp.com
_ Agradecimientos:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, Octubre de 1999
think karo .. bkaro.net
This is the official bkaro dot net winamp skin.
It's made in the Ice design like our whole site.
Note: if you have problems with the animated
cursors: Re ...