July 31, 2003
Author: Ajith G.
Address: Kochi - India
E-mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 303013888 it's kinda hard to find me on ICQ but...
Thank you for downloading this skin. Hope you like it! If u have any comments, suggestions or ideas on this skin, send it to me through the e-mail given. All kinds of suggestions, criticisms or questions are welcome. I'll be glad to receive your valuable ideas.
Parts Skinned (All)
* Main Window
* Playlist Editor
* Equalizer
* Library
* Mini Browser
* Video
* Buttons
* Sliders
Skin made with: Paint Shop Pro v7.02
MS Paint
Skinamp v1.15
Cursors made with: Microangelo 5
Some buttons and displays - not so usefull - are hidden, otherwise they would hurt the photo.
Never make any modifications or alterations with the images or any other contents of the file, and always put this "readme.txt" file along with the skin, if you distribute it. In case you want to publish this skin on your homepage/website, then please let me know.
DragonIce / NebFræk : skin - 001
This skin was created by me, DragonIce, or NebFræk i you want - im one
and the same person. Its my first skin, so basically, i downloaded the
the base skin, and edited it...hope no-one minds. Anyway thanks if you
lik ...
"VButtons98" skin
AVS presets pack
by I)estym
>>- place the presets to your
winamppluginsavs folder and enjoy!
give rest to your eyes!
If you want to use this preset or parts of it
in your own presets you may do it, just ...
this is my second skin for winamp, and I think its really good work.
It is inspired at the exclusive Designer Stereo Systems for rich people.
Now some facts:
Paint Shop Pro 6 (with some Plugins ;-))
Winamp Skin Wizard 1.1
WInace ...
This Is Tha MastaPiece
From Tha SkinMasta
This Skin Was Made With
Help Of Paint Shop Pro 7,0
Requaired Is Winamp 2.73
Or Newer.
Created 2000 By
SkinMasta Bohumil Sláma
Europe- Czech Republic
Metropole Prague
All Wo ...
Finished... For your enjoyment.. and I don't think I'm wrong.. If I ever had any doubt that my skin wasn't all that drop-dead-gorgious... Al my doubts would have been reduced to air.. I mean this skin took me a lot of time.. Think about transparency.. AN ...