July 31, 2003
Author: Ajith G.
Address: Kochi - India
E-mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 303013888 it's kinda hard to find me on ICQ but...
Thank you for downloading this skin. Hope you like it! If u have any comments, suggestions or ideas on this skin, send it to me through the e-mail given. All kinds of suggestions, criticisms or questions are welcome. I'll be glad to receive your valuable ideas.
Parts Skinned (All)
* Main Window
* Playlist Editor
* Equalizer
* Library
* Mini Browser
* Video
* Buttons
* Sliders
Skin made with: Paint Shop Pro v7.02
MS Paint
Skinamp v1.15
Cursors made with: Microangelo 5
Some buttons and displays - not so usefull - are hidden, otherwise they would hurt the photo.
Never make any modifications or alterations with the images or any other contents of the file, and always put this "readme.txt" file along with the skin, if you distribute it. In case you want to publish this skin on your homepage/website, then please let me know.
**** JAL ****
Diseñado por:
Julio Adrián López.
Gracias por bajar mi Skin !,
Espero que les guste, se destaca
por ser sencillo, pero está echo para
aquellas per ...
"Jaded" version 1.0
29 July 2002
Created by Dimichan
This file done specifically for 1001's file size requirements, so some of the bmps are 16 bit color, though I didn't see any degradation.
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Pleas ...