Thanks for downloading my skin!
I hope you like the layout. If
you are useing MikroAmp, I have
included my matching skin for
it also. This skin represents
some three months of work for
me, soplease don't rip it. I
know it may not be the best one
you have ever downloaded, but
it is only my second attempt at
e-mail to:-
Also, included in with this skin
is an html readme, please use
it in your winamp mini-browser.
***ODD AMP 1.5***
To gear up for the imminent release of Munch's Oddysee, I decided to work on a new version of my Odd Amp skin for Win Amp. The new version is absolutely packed with detail and is taking a long time to finish, so ...
How to use this skin:
If you have a Winamp 2.04 or more:
put this zipfile into the /skins folder
under the /winamp one, then press ALT+S
with WinAmp Running and choose the skin from the list
that will pop up.
If you have a previous version:
WACKAMP v1.0 by Ratper README
Hey there, thanks for downloading my first ever Winamp
skin – WACKAMP. You've obviously got some good taste : ...
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probably say "y ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
generation -4-
Metalic texture rendered in Bryce 4, rest of it was made in ms.paint.
If you like this skin- mail me at info-is@in-file.
If you don't like it- mail me and say, WHY don't you like such beautiflull and awesome skin :)
Marcin ...