Thanks for downloading my skin!I hope you like the layout. Ifyou are useing MikroAmp, I have included my matching skin for it also. This skin represents some t
Thanks for downloading my skin!
I hope you like the layout. If
you are useing MikroAmp, I have
included my matching skin for
it also. This skin represents
some three months of work for
me, soplease don't rip it. I
know it may not be the best one
you have ever downloaded, but
it is only my second attempt at
e-mail to:-
Also, included in with this skin
is an html readme, please use
it in your winamp mini-browser.
Pántha Rei 1.06 (19.3.2001)
Finally I've done the first full functionally version of my 3rd skin!
This skin looks simple in a way, but still it took me a very long time to
do it...maybe cos I've tried out so many things?!
And I have to a ...
> p o o r a - c h a n n o s k i n <
author: piLaF-kun
version: 1.1
release date: 3/13/2ooo
>> c o m m e n t s
made with ms "pain" and paint shop pro 6.
this is my second finished skin for winamp,
i started it after having ...