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Check out my website: www.smrw.lodz.pl/~bozar/
• •• ••• •••• .:ECHO:. •••• ••• •• •
-Wnamp skin By Wisler_B-
Thanks for dowloading Wisler's ECHO.V1.0
This is actually a “Spiced” up version of a skin I made a looooooong time ago.
This was the f ...
October 7 1999
I thought this picture from the manga 'Akuma De sourou' was just
too nifty to NOT make a skin of of :) It's a cool manga series, fot more
information on the manga, check out my random shoujo manga page:
http://yaoi.anime-manga.net/ra ...
yaxay Ver. 1.0 by Jacob Aspler
Released: Friday July 5, 2002
Also included: mikroamp skin and yaXay AVS
Email: info-is@in-file
Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for d ...
Name of Skin: Clr Flo
Creator: Hover_Boy
Created: January 2nd 2002
Last Updated: January 24th 2002
This skin was made entirely by hand, using absolutely NO skinning programs.
I made this skin using only MS Paint and Note ...