---Amplifier--- to moja pierwsza udana skórka.
Trzy miesiące pracy dały chyba niezły efekt, co nie?
Wersja druga, z medialib'em i vid'em
Check out my website: www.smrw.lodz.pl/~bozar/
Every time I look at this...
my eyes start to itch *grin*
A nice little skin made up of
all the metals I'm unfortunately
allergic to.
Thanks to everyone who has
put up with all of my 'metallic'
skins so far....yes there w ...
First off thanks for downloading the ///AOI (Art Official Intelligence)
Winamp Skin.....a few things....this is a dedication for the best hip
hop group....de la soul...i have a whole package available with this
skin, a screensaver, and a desktop....it ...
This skin sucked to make. It's got some issues I'd like to iron out, but it's a start. I had to make quite a few compromises, namely static type buttons to accomodate a reasonable shadow. The Play List was a bitch!
Best Wishes,
spacejazz [a.k.a kendal ...