Enemae by Seph for Winamp 2.95
============== DESCRIPTION ==============
This is my second skin for Winamp. It was
inspired by Classix 10K 2.0 Ergonomic for
Winamp 2, and is based on the images I
copied from Aqua_X, and SmartAMP 2.1, so
if there are any problems with it, it was
because those 2 skins had the same problems.
Other than that, it is an original skin.
I tried to make it so you could use the
winshade mode for all three windows and
have them flow together seemlessly, but
there was a problem with the top window
where it uses the same pixel-line for the
top of the unfocused titlebar and the
bottom of the focused titlebar, so there is
an unattractive dark line in the middle now.
I can't fix it unless someone comes up with
a patch where it will read the skin image
"titlebar.bmp" less recklessly.
================ THANKS =================
Thanks for viewing my skin!
Skin-X for Winamp version 1.4
(Original Red)
May 01, 2005
Version 1.4:
Video and gen windows added
Other random bugfixes
Version 1.3:
NULLSOFT easter egg compliant
MikroAMP skinned
MB skinned with ...
Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 07/01/2003
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Comment: ADC is a simple easy skin to use
for winamp 2.91
Has library,video,MB,Vis.
Used P ...
Informacion Adicional en el archivo:
Este documento especifica algunas cosas mas:
Una creacion de Guanacolandia por
Designed by Arteym Tatarov
Releaseversion: 2.0 Soft Steel Cursors Edition Plus
Releasedate: September 1 2001
In this skin I first time started to use icons instead of words.
Use Arial font fo ...
This skin were made by PEz (c)
It can not be copied or sold to anybody
contact me if you want to use the components featured in this skin, Thanks
WWW.Seska.com amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
March 2003 upgraded to WA2.9 specification
A Winamp skin designed for www.seska.com, using images kindly donated
by the webmaster of said si ...