Enemae by Seph for Winamp 2.95============== DESCRIPTION ==============This is my second skin for Winamp. It wasinspired by Classix 10K 2.0 Ergonomic forWinamp
Enemae by Seph for Winamp 2.95
============== DESCRIPTION ==============
This is my second skin for Winamp. It was
inspired by Classix 10K 2.0 Ergonomic for
Winamp 2, and is based on the images I
copied from Aqua_X, and SmartAMP 2.1, so
if there are any problems with it, it was
because those 2 skins had the same problems.
Other than that, it is an original skin.
I tried to make it so you could use the
winshade mode for all three windows and
have them flow together seemlessly, but
there was a problem with the top window
where it uses the same pixel-line for the
top of the unfocused titlebar and the
bottom of the focused titlebar, so there is
an unattractive dark line in the middle now.
I can't fix it unless someone comes up with
a patch where it will read the skin image
"titlebar.bmp" less recklessly.
================ THANKS =================
Thanks for viewing my skin!
By Adam Poules
I was inspired by ???? hmmmm to make this skin and it is my first and I know it
is shite but you were stupid enough to download it so there!!!
S ...