[=-Skin name: Cb4 2001
[=-CB4 Site: http://www.cb4.de
[=-Author: Daniel Jansson
[=-E-mail: info-is@in-file
[=-Homepage: http://www.dj-designs.com
[=-Here I am again with another skin
[=-made for Cb4, this makes it the second time
[=-I've made their official skin.
[=-They have re-designed their site so the old
[=-skin I made for them no more matches the site.
[=-I was asked to make a new skin for them, and so
[=-I did. Go visit http://www.cb4.de for great music!
[=-Point your browser to www.dj-designs.com
[=-for more skins and other stuff.
[=------------------------------------------------=[Daniel Jansson]
MacOS8Amp v1.1 (normal) - 06-17-2000 by Gertjan van der Veldt
The ultimate MacOS8 based Winamp skin.
Version v1.1 - 06-17-2000
- Some minor fixes.
Enjoy my second WinAmp skin. (AmOS35Amp was my first).
info-is@in-file ...
Coloured Metals: A Vision in Metal.
This skin has everything (except an eject button; who ever uses that?) you might ever want from a skin, including a cool matallic look and a... wierd volume slider.
Email me on info-is@in-file
Visit http://www. ...
Portal Winamp Skin
by John Theodorski
September 2000
Winamp Portal is the key to the doors of lost times and hidden dimensions. Visit past civilizations, see future e ...