[=-Skin name: Cb4 2001
[=-CB4 Site: http://www.cb4.de
[=-Author: Daniel Jansson
[=-E-mail: info-is@in-file
[=-Homepage: http://www.dj-designs.com
[=-Here I am again with another skin
[=-made for Cb4, this makes it the second time
[=-I've made their official skin.
[=-They have re-designed their site so the old
[=-skin I made for them no more matches the site.
[=-I was asked to make a new skin for them, and so
[=-I did. Go visit http://www.cb4.de for great music!
[=-Point your browser to www.dj-designs.com
[=-for more skins and other stuff.
[=------------------------------------------------=[Daniel Jansson]
Skin name: Chilled2
Release Version: 1.0
Description: This is actually my first skin. Colours are very bright... I hope it doesn´t make your eyes hurt!
Category: Cool skins
Skin by: Jouko Valtola
E-Mail: info-is@in-file ...
Hi! You seem to have downloaded my Mario Brothers winamp skin! I have nothing interesting to say, so this is a lousy readme file! Stop reading it and go use my winamp skin!
Update: The special edition
This is now the "Classic Mario" win ...
Chiaki Kuriyama Skin
created by May
Version 1.1 completed 28th October 2003
Skin no. 18
working time: 2 day
Finally a new skin. Chiaki Kuriyama yay! Isn't she thes coolest and prettiest??
It's my second real life picture skin and I LOVE it. A ...