| Neo-X v |
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version 1.0
Author(s) : Neo-axd with X-caponius
Name : duh..it is called neo-x :D
Artists websites : Neo's : http://altern.org/axd
X's : http://allskin.com/xhrc
E-mail us : info-is@in-file / info-is@in-file
Designers notes : this is neo-axd's X-caponius first joint skin
Skin history : the skin is based on X-caponius' Adreanlin X02 skin . X-caponiu's worked on the main structure of this skin and neo-axd mostly did all those nifty lil details....
by Stephen Moss
version 1.1: March 31, 2001
original release: April 11, 2000
This is the companion Winamp skin for New Line Cinema's new film, "Frequency."
It is inspired by the Sullivan famil ...
McNailz V1.2
v1.0: A skin for Winamp 2.x and above. A Quake based skin I designed for a mates clan just for something to do...still needs a lot of work so i may update it as time permits.
v1.1: completed skinning playlist
v1.2: skinned minibrowse ...
-==cOf! presents==-
=== ========
Splash v1.0c
Esta es una "skin" para winamp 2.50+
Tendras que pagar U$ 35...nooo al contrario yo le pago al que la use...
Basada en la pantalla de inicio de Winamp (q' noticia!).
MATRIX skin by Nini 1.1.
Well the controls might be hard to find, but let me tell you, they are all there. So just look closer...BTW an experienced WA user should know where to find the play button ;-)
Only the real true (evil) matrix on this skin. ...
--== Heidi Klum II Skin for Winamp ==--
Version 2.0 for Winamp 2.x
Get the latest version at: http://www.1001winampskins.com/
Installation instructions:
Simply unzip all of the files into your /skins/heidi2/
directory then click alt+s ...