------------------------------------- Neo-X v ;;;;::::::::........:::::::::::;;;;version 1.0Author(s) : Neo-axd with X-caponiusName : duh..it is called neo-x
| Neo-X v |
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version 1.0
Author(s) : Neo-axd with X-caponius
Name : duh..it is called neo-x :D
Artists websites : Neo's : http://altern.org/axd
X's : http://allskin.com/xhrc
E-mail us : info-is@in-file / info-is@in-file
Designers notes : this is neo-axd's X-caponius first joint skin
Skin history : the skin is based on X-caponius' Adreanlin X02 skin . X-caponiu's worked on the main structure of this skin and neo-axd mostly did all those nifty lil details....
by L.Larsson 08/26/04
NVGreen Skin by 337,
New for Winamp 5!
works best with WinAmp 2.9 & up.
All windows are skinned.
All New Graphics..& New Cursor set!
Installation: v2.5 ...
created by Rommel Vincent C. Angeles
for Vivian P.
finished December 23, 2001 12:43am
The nephilim are supposed offspring of mortals
and angels.
I made this skin for someone who, if not angelic,
is certainly not of ...