F17Eklipsea skin by ~Supeygeneral contact info:e-mail: info-is@in-fileAIM sn: Supey8079visit my website and check out all of my other skins at http://www.supey
a skin by ~Supey
general contact info:
e-mail: info-is@in-file
AIM sn: Supey8079
visit my website and check out all of my other skins at http://www.supeydupey.cjb.net
IMVHO, the vis looks best with osciloscope with 9fps and line scope
thankya fer downloadin' my skin
_______a skin by ~Supey_______
Title: Final Fantasy VIII ALPHA v2.25
By: Magno, Alejandro S.
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Date: June 9, 2001
My first attempt skin inspired by jojo and Treux
for their Cool skins.I used mostly faded effect
on this skin so i call it Alpha and se ...