F17Eklipsea skin by ~Supeygeneral contact info:e-mail: info-is@in-fileAIM sn: Supey8079visit my website and check out all of my other skins at http://www.supey
a skin by ~Supey
general contact info:
e-mail: info-is@in-file
AIM sn: Supey8079
visit my website and check out all of my other skins at http://www.supeydupey.cjb.net
IMVHO, the vis looks best with osciloscope with 9fps and line scope
thankya fer downloadin' my skin
_______a skin by ~Supey_______
For Fenerbahce Turkey's best football team.
Version history:
V 1.03 Change on the buttons 04/27/2001
V 1.02 Lots of changes
(borders, buttons, volume bar, text...) 04/17/2001
V 1.01 A change on the main skin. 10/01/2000
_ _ _ ___/------FÚRIA------___ _ _ _
>>Made by Daniel F. Costal
>>E-mail: info-is@in-file
>>Thanks for downloading
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DJ SD Amp 2.0
Finished August 26th 1999
Version 1.1 adds Minibrowser and Minimized EQ Skinned.
Main Design idea from Fiend Amp
Eq Parts Idea from Spy Amp
Assembled and Changed and ...