Thanks for downloading my skin!I hope you like the layout. Ifyou are useing MikroAmp, I have included my matching skin for it also. This skin represents some t
Thanks for downloading my skin!
I hope you like the layout. If
you are useing MikroAmp, I have
included my matching skin for
it also. This skin represents
some three months of work for
me, soplease don't rip it. I
know it may not be the best one
you have ever downloaded, but
it is only my second attempt at
e-mail to:-
Also, included in with this skin
is an html readme, please use
it in your winamp mini-browser.
Pioneer ReplicAmp versión Especial by KSO
Lo he actualizado del skin realizado por Wasit. Simplemente lo he arreglado
para que también tenga una piel la lista de reproducción, el EQ, el bus ...
Amburners Phoenix: Garet Jax
My Newest Skin! ()
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
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