Ozgur "MeshrOObuT" Erturk
Ankara - TURKEY
Greetings to everyone from Turkey.
At last I managed to finish my very first Winamp skin. Here is a grayscale skin with all windows painted, cursors slightly altered, metallic buttons and white leds added. Hope you like it.
If you like this skin and want to distribute it, feel free to do so as long as you keep this text file with it.
Contact: info-is@in-file
I made this skin because I wanted a simple skin that I could understand, and like. I based it on my website colours (see http://moab-software.tk/). I live in Colorado, USA.
Yeah, many man hours went into this skin, like maybe 20.
There were no skin- ...
Skin name: Mushroom Samba
Release version: 1.5
Author name (or alias): Robs
Date Completed: 23.02.2004 (v1.0), 01.03.2005 (v1.5)
Description: A mushroom skin built with different personal photos
taken fr ...