Ozgur "MeshrOObuT" Erturk
Ankara - TURKEY
Greetings to everyone from Turkey.
At last I managed to finish my very first Winamp skin. Here is a grayscale skin with all windows painted, cursors slightly altered, metallic buttons and white leds added. Hope you like it.
If you like this skin and want to distribute it, feel free to do so as long as you keep this text file with it.
Contact: info-is@in-file
Part of the Jazz Masters series
by Collin C.
Thelonious Monk, awesome free jazz pianist. Not only would he play jazz for you, but also put on a dance show. In the middle of a song or a solo he's leave his piano bench and do a jig. ...
1 fon(genel)
2 yazı( genel)
3 fon(search,118 items)
4 yazı( library, show info ...)
5 yazı(search, 118 items ....)
6 çerçeve (listeler)
8 fon (artist albüm...)
9 yazı( // )
10 sol ve üst çeçeve(artist albüm..)
11 sağ ve aLT çeçeve(artist alb ...