GokuGT Amp v2Author:D'Ambrosio Giuseppehomepage:http://digilander.iol.it/DAMBERe-mail:info-is@in-fileSecond version for this fantastic skin about my favourite c
GokuGT Amp v2
Author:D'Ambrosio Giuseppe
Second version for this fantastic skin about my favourite character in the manga Dragonball.I've added cursors and I've changed graphics in the title(there's only a little difference from the first version...).Buttons in the main window are now more visible and also playlist's buttons are improved.I want to thank all the people that send me congratulations for the first version of this skin and I hope they could download and enjoy also this second one.
For comments and help in the making of a skin,e-mail me @ info-is@in-file.
For more skins and utilities to create them visit my homepage @ http://digilander.iol.it/DAMBER
~~~~~~~~~~ GROOVY AMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is a metallic contoured amp that has
a maroon and red LCD display...
Watch out for the green LDC display...
Again MS PAINT was used extensively in creating
this amp... ...
GeNome V
Yo, thx 4 downloadin' my skin!
This is my 5th WAskin,
I made it with
-Windows ME
-Adobe Photoshop 6
-much creativity
was kinda fun doin' it...
Other skins by me (in chronological order)
-Subspaze P ...