GokuGT Amp v2Author:D'Ambrosio Giuseppehomepage:http://digilander.iol.it/DAMBERe-mail:info-is@in-fileSecond version for this fantastic skin about my favourite c
GokuGT Amp v2
Author:D'Ambrosio Giuseppe
Second version for this fantastic skin about my favourite character in the manga Dragonball.I've added cursors and I've changed graphics in the title(there's only a little difference from the first version...).Buttons in the main window are now more visible and also playlist's buttons are improved.I want to thank all the people that send me congratulations for the first version of this skin and I hope they could download and enjoy also this second one.
For comments and help in the making of a skin,e-mail me @ info-is@in-file.
For more skins and utilities to create them visit my homepage @ http://digilander.iol.it/DAMBER
Greenback Amp v1.0
This skin is the first of its kind (to my knowledge) and Winamp has been
screaming for a skin like this. However i cannot take credit for this
original idea. The credit and inspiration for this skin belongs only to
my wonderful ...
Gabiamp v1.73 - 15/12/1999
Gabiamp it's a 2.2x Winamp skin, based on Aaron Miller's Ionamp. If you have
suggests, requests, bugs, etc., write me to info-is@in-file. Feel free to publish
this skin on a website, magazine, cd-rom, etc. Just don't modi ...