//:.general.infoNVONEv1.0 BY SKUPERS Sander Kupers www: skupers.deviantart.com email: info-is@in-file VB018 at VISBOT.NET.:////:.winamp.skin The skin was
Sander Kupers
www: skupers.deviantart.com
email: info-is@in-file
The skin was made pixel by pixel (well, except for the gradients ;) ) by Sander Kupers in Corel Photopaint 9. Thanks to Jellby for his Skinners Atlas, which explained to me how to make the GEN.BMP and GEN_EX.BMP bitmaps. The skin works for both higher than 2.9x and lower than 2.9x versions.
The skin comes with AVS Pack, which you can find in the sk-nvone directory, when you rightclick on your AVS window. If for some reason you lose the AVS presets in the AVS directory and you can't find the installer anywhere, the presets can also be found in this .wsz file. The original preset for SkB2 was created by NemoOrange (nemoorange.deviantart.com). You can find this preset in the "VISBOT: the first season"-pack (VC001).
How to start avs?
Double-click on the oscillator or spectrum-analyser in the main window or select:
Options / Preferences / Visualization / Advanced Visualization Studio 2.5
The installer can install the following APE's (these are required for the presets):
- Color Map (by Steven Wittens)
- Convolution Filter (by Tom Holden)
- Multiplier (by Steven Wittens)
- Texer (by Steven Wittens)
The installer automatically installs the following bitmap (this is required for the presets):
- skupers_lp7_02.bmp (by Sander Kupers)
All bitmaps in this skin have been created by me, Sander Kupers unless stated otherwise above. Please ask permission before using any parts of these presets. Most of the time I will give permission, but I would just like to know who uses parts of my presets and/or code.
Sk-Nvone Winamp2 Skin (c) 2003 Sander Kupers
All the code and bitmaps in the presets has been created by me, Sander Kupers unless stated otherwise in the Preset Info section. Please ask permission before using any parts of these presets. Most of the time I will give permission, but I would just like to know who uses parts of my presets and/or code.
Sk-Nvone AVS Presets (c) 2003 Sander Kupers
Para WinAmp 2x
por:Hector David Barajas Marin
hecho desde 20 marzo al 24
desde enero de 2000 empese a conocer esto de los skins y como todo el mundo solo
me conformaba a esperar a que saliera un skin del Nacio ...
New Idea
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probably say ...
Nat Amp 2.0
Thanx to all you Nat fans for downloadin my skin.
This is my 2nd Natalie Portman skin. While version 1.0 had a pink theme, this one has a lime-green one(to match Natalie's outfit of course :). Again i used many oval ...