Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZAdmiring people's work, I create one for myself.You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.===========================
Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukuro (A SPEED(JPOP) FAN), though
I am not a JAPANESE.
Name : Takasonz Skin 99 Date Finished:9/8/99
Version: 1.01
Description: Purplish Blue Skin
Category: Cool Skins
Name(Author): Takasan Shimabukuro
Email: info-is@in-file
URL: Underconstruction/ None
File Name: takasonz.zip
File Size: 63.8kb
T e r r o r i s m
a c t i v a t e D
Author: Debabrata Trivedi
url: http://puplone.topcities.com
mail: info-is@in-file
Wanna have a tutorial of making ...
(all templates are property of the author)
Welcome to my Winamp 5 templates. These can also be used for classic 2.x skinning but there
are a couple of things different. The title di ...