SILENT HILL 4 : THE ROOMEilen Galvin SkinCreated by James Lennox.Date: November 10, 2055 to November 15, 2005http://www.silenceisbroken.comhttp://www.silenceis
Ah c est sur que sur la vide9o e7a semble pas super siplme e0 utiliser Mais d un cf4te9 je me dis que si on veut passer d une interface 2D e0 3D, il y aura toujours des mouvements e0 faire en +.Ceci dit, je suis d accord, c est surtout pour faire joli =
Eilen Galvin Skin
Created by James Lennox.
Date: November 10, 2055 to November 15, 2005
This Skin was created using Adobe Photoshop to edit images. Images used is two
of Eileen Galvin. Fonts used is "Aquiline" To the "Eilen Galvin" Title,
04b03 to small texts and winamp default font to the rest.
This version is compatible with Winamp 2.9 or higher (includes
the templates to skin the movie player and the other stuff).
EricssAmp By Andrew Murphy - 24/02/99
EricssAmp is a winamp skin based on my Ericsson A1018s mobile
phone. The phone has an interchangeable coloured panel around
the keypad and display, so I used that colour for the skin.
The skin includes files ...
This is my lastest skin called: Elusive Amp Black and White
Well as always hope u like it, contact me about n e thing on:
info-is@in-file. I love u all so if u want n e thing just ask ok.
The Elusive Melon
This Skin was generated using SkinA ...