___ _________________ ___
/ _ | / __/ ___/ _/ _/ / _ | __ _ ___
/ __ |_ / /___/ /_/ / / __ |/ ' / _
/_/ |_/___/___/___/___/ /_/ |_/_/_/_/ .__/
| __________ |
| |ASCII-Amp | by: Pabo Wakataeo |
| `----------' ---+--- --+-- |
| ====================== # # |
| _ . |
| :: [] >> / _-_ (_).-.;
This is version 2.0 of the ASCII Amp.
ASCII Amp 2.0 for Winamp 2.2x includes full skin
support, cursors, and a mini-page for the mini-browser.
To see the mini-page, double-click the "s8minipage.exe".
Execute the file and let it unzip to the specified directory.
After doing so, open your minibrowser and put in the following
local address.
---> file://C:Program FilesWinamps8minisection8.html
This gives you a page with links to my favorite mp3 locations.
Thank you for downloading my skin for the winamp player,
if you like it, or just want to send money for some odd reason.
Please send it to the P.O. Box below.
1) Simply place the "ASCII_Amp" directory inside the
"c:program fileswinampskins" directory located on the c drive,
after unzipping it.
(You may need "winzip" to unzip files if you don't already have it.)
Get it from http://www.winzip.com
2) Select "options" then "skin browser" & pick "ASCII_Amp" while
winamp is open.
Thank you, and enjoy the skin.
If you feel like getting a few freeware mp3's of some bands
Section8.Com promotes please visit the following URL.
Also check out monolithBBS as a great way to meet people
and chat with folks all over the world. I run rooms 55
(ASCII Art) and 38 (Pabos Free Verse).
Telnet login as "new" for a free account.
Thank you, and God Bless...
,IP _ Y888@@b,
dIi (_) G8888@b Send snail mail to;
dCII (_) G8888@@b
GCCIi ,GG8888@@@ Brian N. Godfrey
GGCCCCCCCGGG88888@@@ care of:
GGGGCCCGGGG88888@@@@... Section8.Com
Y8GGGGGG8888888@@@@P..... P.O. Box 3601
Y88888888888@@@@@P...... Logan Utah
`Y8888888@@@@@@@P'...... 84341
Sincerely yours;
"Pabo Wakataeo" a.k.a. Brian Nathan Godfrey
Owner/President -- Section8.Com
Last updated - 11:13 PM 6/13/99
* The creator of the file "mono_startup.wav" is unknown to Section8.Com at
this time. The official "monolith BBS sound" was taken from the ftp
servers of the BBS. Should anyone dicover the writer, please contact
Section8.Com so that the due credit can be given via email.
¤----------=[ Aluminum ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
URL: http://www.dj-designs.u4l.com
E-Mail: info-is@ ...