This an updated version of My Transformers Amp I have lightend it because of all the complaints I got, so i am hoping that this one is better? Most often when i rec
This an updated version of My Transformers Amp I have lightend it because of all the complaints I got, so i am hoping that this one is better? Most often when i recieve a complaint it is often from a person using a crt screen because they are much more dull,so it is not recommended that uou use this skin if you are lcd monitor user.
9:34 AM 5/15/2005
4:01 PM 11/26/2005
Just touched up a few things like the video,library and pledit.
"The Shadow" skin
for WinAMP 2.9x
Version 2.0
>>- About:
Created by I)estym
Summer-Autumn 2003
>>- Version 2.0 changes:
- skinned General plugins windows.
- slinned the video window
- added custom cursors
- new bitmap font (I ...