WINAMP 5.X TEMPLATES MAIN INFO: BY MUSIC2U4U (all templates are property of the author)Welcome to my Winamp 5 templates. These can also be used for classic 2.x sk
(all templates are property of the author)
Welcome to my Winamp 5 templates. These can also be used for classic 2.x skinning but there
are a couple of things different. The title display on the main amp is bigger on 5 than on
2. When you use a template designed for 2.x the default title will overlay your graphics.
This has been resolved in these templates. Also the lower bottom right corner on the main
amp has a link spot that takes you to the Gen library on 2.x but is an "about" link on 5.x.
There is also a slight bug in the display window on the playlist right side that overlays
the right side by 1 pixel but does not go all the way to the top or to the bottom. This
leaves some chunks out on some color variations. Of course there is still the bug in the
titlebar template that overlaps the shade titlebars.
I have included a zip file of all the skinnable parts in .psd format for photoshop users!
This can be a real time saver as the location points are all on a single layer and are on
on top of your images. You just hide the layer to check your work with a single click. No
more having to adjust opacity settings to see what is under on a flat .bmp template. I have
included a single white background layer also as a reference to see the template layer more
clearly. You can recolor it or hide it if you want. It is seperate from the template.
Also when making your numbers or text file,you can click the template layer and it will
select all your text in an instant for you to recolor them. Same with the backgrounds.
You can make these files in less than 5 minutes! No more pixel painting or tracing around
each letter or number.
When designing a picture skin, you just slide the picture (on it's own layer) between the
background layer and the template layer. Trace your buttons and parts out and copy and paste
them onto the other seperate template files. This leaves no room for disalignment at all.
All .bmp files are 24 bit RGB color. You can even use them in microsoft paint to create nice
2D skins.
I have also included 2 sets of volume templates and 2 sets of balance templates. One with
buttons and one without buttons. Some folks don't want the actual buttons on the player.
I have included 2 posbar files. One is standard and one is a dummy file that hides the
posbar from showing at all. This feature works well for picture skins that need to show
alot of the image on the player. Also for the volume and balance buttons. They can block
out alot of the backing image.I will explain how to use them.
Open the skin folder and you will see the two files. Rename the current volume.bmp to
volume3.bmp first,then rename the volume2.bmp to volume.bmp. This will make winamp
read that file instead of the other. Close or minimize the folder to the toolbar and hit
the F5 button on your keyboard to refresh your skin. There will be the new component.
I hope you enjoy these templates and it would take me an hour to explain playedit colors,
viscolors,plugins,etc. These templates are free to use as you wish and give to others. They
were written to help educate and simplify creation of great skins. I will not be take any
blame for the outcome of your skins though. That will be up to you. I will take credit for
designing this kit and hope you will grab some of my skins I created with these templates
at (music2u4u skins)(#4 in top authors link on right page side) and
at http:winamp.comskins site. I have many at both sites. They are all free.
Peace to you and happy skinning!!!
2005 info-is@in-file
The Shuffle and Repeat buttons are unique in that they have 4 states. They are as follows:
Top to bottom:
off - pressed
on - pressed
Also the broken gray and black lines are shared lines.
The EQ and PL buttons are the same.They are as follows:
Top row is off, bottom row is on.
Left half is unpressed,Right half is pressed.
At the top of gen_ex.bmp there is a row of pixels that are used to color the
library background parts. Starting from the left pixel they color this:
(1) Background (main color)
(2) Text (all main text)
(3) Frame around background
(4) Button text
(5) Frame text
(6) Lines on frame
(7) Selection of playlist things
(8) Header background
(9) Header text
(10) Line around header (top and left)
(11) Line around header (bottom and right)
(12) Header when pressed
(13) Header dead area
(14) Scrollbar first color
(15) Scrollbar second color
(16) Scrollbar pressed first color
(17) Scrollbar pressed second color
(18) Bottom right corner dead area
Titanium_stereo_amp V2.01 (13-08-2001)
This skin is BASED on Pordey's design, (Pordey is at info-is@in-file)
but almost EVERYTHING was changed except for the basic button desig ...