Panasonic XBS2000Version BAfter a long lay off, I returned to revamp one of my favourite skins to give it a more up to date feel. This gave rise to XBS2000 versio
Panasonic XBS2000
Version B
After a long lay off, I returned to revamp one of my favourite skins to give it a more up to date feel. This gave rise to XBS2000 version A. I have now added the skin for the AVS window.
Panasonic XBS Winamp Skin
Version 1.3
Author Bill Watson
Email info-is@in-file
27/6/99 Began work on a skin based on a stereo i bought a couple of years ago
28/6/99 chose final colour scheme and completed major elements (Logo,titlebars, buttons)
30/6/99 Completed skinning of main window, equalizer and shaded windows
released as V1.0
1/7/99 Completed skinning of all elements
released as V1.1
7/7/99 Amended title bar buttons to correct positions :o)
24/7/99 Amended random/repeat buttons on main screen and preamp buttons on equalizer. Amended minibrowser address bar colour scheme to match rest of skin.
XBS 2000 Version A
April 2000 Major Update to change skin to brushed silver look
ps if you like this check out my first attempt at a skin:
---------------PettirWorx 2.0----------------------------------------------
Skin Faq: metal, blue screen, Green Lights,
This copy of PettirWorx 2.0 is updated to skin
the AVS visual plugin from nullsoft(includes in
A WinAMP Skin by
Khamura - info-is@in-file
This one's for you, hide... wherever you are.
Hello all you happy people! ^_^
With the revamp of my first two hide skins finished, I had so many ideas ...