LIME Version 1.irrelevant decimal numberMarch 20, 2000 by Wes----------------------------------Hey! Thanks for downloading this, my first skin. It's the result
LIME Version 1.irrelevant decimal number
March 20, 2000
by Wes
Hey! Thanks for downloading this, my first skin. It's the result
of many many hours of procrastination and desparate attempts
to avoid finals.
This skin of course features Lime of Saber Marionette. She's cute,
she's happy, and I dig the purple hair. What can I say? I'm a
sucker for cartoon android girls. I even made a winamp skin for her.
I need help.
Actually when I say 'I' made this skin I really mean Hanami and I.
While I did most of this skin by myself, the entire reason for
its existence is Lime herself, which came from a CG drawn by Hanami.
Hanami is extremely polite and would never brag, so I guess that
responsibilty is left to me. You rock Hanami! That said, visit
his site: It's the most informative
and content-intensive Saber Marionette site out there . . .
Contact info:
If you want to contact me for any reason, do so at info-is@in-file
If you want to contact Hanami about his CG, then direct your efforts
toward info-is@in-file DO NOT send technical questions about this
skin to him. He didn't work on the assembly of the skin itself and so
he won't know. Send Flames and criticisms to info-is@in-file, not to
Hanami. Once again, Hanami didn't make this skin, he just made it worth
Thanks again to Hanami. This skin wouldn't exist without your excellent
Thanks to all the skinners at for making me feel like I suck.
Visiting that site on a regular basis has made me reevaluate the quality
of my own skin many times, which was severly needed.
Thanks also to Tim, Dean, Chris, Brian, and everyone else that patiently
watched this skin evolve to its current state. You all provided me
with excellent advice and feedback.
Saber Marionette Info:
If you haven't seen this show, then I'm actaully pretty surprised that
you downloaded this skin. But, let me use this opportunity to say this
now that you're here: SEE THIS SHOW.
Ah, I'd also LOVE to see SMJ get a region 1 DVD release. Are you hearing
this Bandai?
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...