:: TRiO ::[winamp skin]by JuaNN VENDRAMINdedicated to Juan Jose Vendraminmade in October of 2005Bs As :: ArgentinaWell, this time im bringin you a version of
:: TRiO ::
[winamp skin]
dedicated to Juan Jose Vendramin
made in October of 2005
Bs As :: Argentina
Well, this time im bringin you a version of the TRIO CS1570 Osciloscope. Im pretty sure that this cool device isn't very popular, indeed i dont think anyone knows it because i guess its used by militars only, but oh well. The original pictures were taken by my father and i did the rest of the job, so its mainly dedicated to him. Only the most common and most frecuently used components of winamp have been skinned, because i dont really like the plugins available for winamp, and i don't think they are really necessary.
This is what you get:
:: Main Window skinned
:: EQ window skinned
:: Playlist skinned
:: AVS skinned
:: Generic Window skinned
:: Mini Browser skinned
:: Video Window skinned
:: Library Window Skinned
:: Custom Cursors made from scratch
All kinds of feedback are welcome, as long as you are kind and polite, it doesnt matter f you think the skin is awful, put it in respectfull words and i'll be more than happy to answer.
All rights reserved.
The distribution of this skin is prohibited without the permission of the autor. This skin is for private use and may not be modified, sell or altered in any way unless you have my permission.
Creator: Forever Chaos
Email: info-is@in-file
Skin Name: The Entity
Completed: March 2002
Thanks To: Winamp and Lucid :)
Artwork: Paint Shop Pro 7.0
Cursors: Microangelo
HTML Editor: Notepad