Well Wellhere is ultrakarmathis skin was the very first version on ultra-kjust before i change the colors. (you can get it on skinz.org or winamp.com)just insta
Well Well
here is ultrakarma
this skin was the very first version on ultra-k
just before i change the colors. (you can get it on skinz.org or winamp.com)
just instal the dir as it is in the winamp skin directory
that's it .. enjoy :)
you can mail me comments/bugs ...
skin made for www.ultraorange.com
check them out they have a cool mouse'ometer (i've designed it heehhe :) )
it measures the ditance travelled with your mouse
and when you travel miles you got gifts ...
well that's enough for now
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Unlikely Heroes - An RPG World Winamp Skin
This is my very best winamp skin so far. Absolutely EVERYTHING is skinned. From WinAMP 2.9's general windows, which I just discovered just yesterday (as of 10-16-2004), to the just about obsolete AVS and Min ...