*** Palm Radio (Ver 1.1) *** A skin for Winamp Created by Dan Virgil ----------------------------------------------(Click the "Edit&amp
*** Palm Radio (Ver 1.1) ***
A skin for Winamp
Created by Dan Virgil
(Click the "Edit" menu, then "Word Wrap")
Palm Radio is a Winamp skin that has the look of a small handheld electronic device. The cursors were a last-minute addition, and I think they came out pretty well. Also, stacking the windows side by side instead of on top of each other creates a nice effect too, because of the tube-like... things around the side. How cool.
To install:
Simply put "Palm_Radio.wsz" in your winamp/Skins folder, then hit Ctrl-S or Alt-S to bring up the skin selection window. Select "Palm_Radio" and hit OK.
1.1 -- Redesigned titlebars for EQ, PL, and MB
WVS created with close-to-main window design
Redesigned author credit under vis
Fixed and redesigned main menu cursor
Have a blast. Or something to that effect.
Dan Virgil, E7CI