[FireBlade skin by - FrezoreR -]Includes: All everything.. even 2.9x support.All design is [c] FrezoreR.And if you decide to use parts of my skin without asking
[FireBlade skin by -| FrezoreR |-]
Includes: All everything.. even 2.9x support.
All design is [c] FrezoreR.
And if you decide to use parts of my skin without asking for permission a minivan is shuved up your as.
Then screwed 480 degrees. =P
If you want to contact me.. go to one of the following adresses and you'll find a way:
DevArt: http://frezorer.deviantart.com
My Website[update comming soon]:
There's also a simple AVS I made to this skin it lies in the .wsz file..
You can also obtain it via my devart page.
Skin do Clube de Regatas do Flamengo
campeão mundial, pentacampeão brasileiro,
inúmeros títulos estaduais.
Feito por André Damasceno - 06 de maio de 2001
info-is@in-file ...
Firemarble v1.0
skin name..........Firemarble
creator............Aki Niemi
created using......SkinMaster and PSP5
Well... this is my second good skin. This is version 1.0 which means that ...