Copyright Ernst Olav Utvik 2000Skin name: FrameAmpVersion: 1.0Author: Ernst Olav UtvikMail: info-is@in-fileUsed: Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and QuickSkin for the visu
Copyright Ernst Olav Utvik 2000
Skin name: FrameAmp
Version: 1.0
Author: Ernst Olav Utvik
Mail: info-is@in-file
Used: Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and QuickSkin for the visuals
Other skins made by author:
ErnstAMP2000 v. 1.0 040200
DiGitALiZeD v. 1.0 05-060200
Skinned v. 1.0 feb. 2000
Jaguar v. 1.0 feb. 2000
FitAmp v. 1.0 feb. 2000
FrameAmp v. 1.0 feb. 2000
FrameAmp v. 1.0
This skin is the result of hours of working
Notice the volume and balance ligths.
My type of skin...
Flying Circle 2000 [World Edition]
Created by masa.N
URL for Japanese:
MAILTO: info-is@in-file
Wi ...
Final Fantasy X Winamp Skin
Based upon the design of the official US Final Fantasy X website & logo.
It's a little bit blue, maybe I'll add in some pink/purple like the website in version 2!
This skin was created in May 2002 by Sarah Ellerton
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