*******************************Rebecca Romijn Winamp skin 1.0*******************************made by M. G. Martina, The Netherlandsskins for the playlist &am
While this is obviously just a PR excseire aimed at counteracting the Habari team's claims that WP development is insufficiently open, enough 5 star ratings for Sandbox should make its non-inclusion an embarrassment
Rebecca Romijn Winamp skin 1.0
made by M. G. Martina, The Netherlands
skins for the playlist & the equalizer will follow
enjoy ..
No copyright, feel free to modify (not needed, I think)
version 1 - September 12, 2000
skin for WinAmp v2.x
1. Copy or move savana.zip to the WinAmp Skins directory.
2. Launch WinAmp, and type Alt-S for the ...