Bio-X skin for Winamp 2.x December 2002Copyrghts Coy2K a.k.a Coyote MB and AVS NOT skinned.If you want them to be just let me know You can contact me via e-ma
skin for Winamp 2.x
December 2002
Copyrghts Coy2K a.k.a Coyote
MB and AVS NOT skinned.
If you want them to be just let me know
You can contact me via e-mail
Visit my page at
Do not rip this skin or any parts of it.
Thank you. Stay tuned. Enjoy.
The skin by Omnitarian v1.0
This is the skin made by me. It's bronzy or something.
Done in Paint shop pro, mainly with Inner Bevel Effect. Hazy Backround effect made by flood filling an area with 2 colors on Canvas t ...
This is bananmp v 1.0. I must asmit i wrote it in MS paint, so don't
expect to much, o well, I did skin evrything except the AVS window.
I even made the cursors. However if you did for some reason like my
skin.. you can download it from http://ahmadr ...