-------------Blizzard v2.0 =============All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.Updates:04/29/2003- cbuttons, make large
Blizzard v2.0
All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.
- cbuttons, make larger and smoother
- 3dCurves on main, mb, pledit
- NUMBERS, changed
- added, video window skin (WA2.9)
- added, media library skin (WA2.9)
- AVS.BMP not remove for Winamp 2.8 and below
Author: ely ocbina
e-mial: info-is@in-file
Winamp is a registered trademark of nullsoft, Inc.
Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
Windows XP, Microsoft, Windows and Windows Logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
b o o s t V I I I V 2 . 0
boost again... the winamp 2.0 version, made for
your winamp pleasure...
i also wanted to include some modified plugin,
either funkyfx or the good old speaker plug, but ...
Bob And George, the Winamp Skin!
Based on Bob And George, the Comic! by David Anez from BobandGeorge.com
Too bad I just barely missed the aniversary comics. Maybe I could have been a cameo. But nobody would get it any ...