Bennie's X-BOX AMP V.1.02-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A nice xbox skin from Ben with a little help of Rub. I
Bennie's X-BOX AMP V.1.02
A nice xbox skin from Ben with a little help of Rub. If you find any bug's please report it!
My inspiration for this skin was the x-box game-console from microsoft.
I like the color's of the X-box, that's why i made this skin.
please give you opinion about this skin at info-is@in-file
Coming soon:
*A whole new skin of the gamecube!
*A nice skin i made without insperation of other think's
*Maybe a plugin for winamp!
Version history:
*the skin is finish't
*A new minibrowser
*playlist is the right color
*Better color's for the playlist
*A new posision bar
*A beatifull button funtion at the equalizer
*Visualization, the good color's
*Better titlebar color's
*better minibrowser
*fixed equalizer
---XARIUS 15---
Version 1.1
Creator:Kamil Kozlowski ALIAS Coyote
Once again I'm back with update
(but don't swet, right now I don't have
ideas and time for skinning:(((
Sorry but as soon as I start skinning
my next craetion I'll let you know!