_,.-*'^'*-.,_,.-*' TITANIUM SKY - Polymetal IX '*-.,_,.-*'^'*-.,_ version 2.0========================================= *Main Info*Title : TSPMIXAuthor : Joe W.
TubeAmp Light - Winamp Skin
Version 2.0
A cool skin for Winamp.
Nearly everything has changed: new color palette, new spectrum analyzer colors, rebuilt equalizer and main window, cleaned up the bitmaps...
Millennium version: TubeAmp y2000 check i ...
> (v.1.0.)
Thank you for downloading this skin. I hope that you like it and that you'll enjoy it.
Other skins: Tal'Shiar
Bird Of Prey
Delta Flyer
Lyran AMP
Jeri AMP
Quantum AMP
Borg Con ...