OFFICE AMP 2-----------By Roger Finefrock 2002Version 2.0I wanted to create a skin for my office computer.Just for fun I wanted it to look like I made the AMP
By Roger Finefrock 2002
Version 2.0
I wanted to create a skin for my office computer.
Just for fun I wanted it to look like I made the AMP from office supplies. I used paper clips, pencils, cut up leather deskpad, & the control buttons were made from a cut up pink eraser. The EQ slider controls are made from pencil eraser tips! :-)
Tools used:
Photoshop Elements
Version 2.0 update:
Added custom animated cursors
Minor updates to WS Mode
Added "Cardfile" graphic for Nulsoft Info hotspot
Ugraded Playlist buttons
Other Skins from Author:
Christmas Chillin
Goldstar Flash
This Winamp skin has be released as freeware.
Open the Door
(Kingdom Hearts) Riku
by Elwen Skye
- font is Univers Light Condensed
- balance is hidden, as usual
- EQ toggle is hidden
- play button is hidden until se ...
***ODD AMP 1.5***
To gear up for the imminent release of Munch's Oddysee, I decided to work on a new version of my Odd Amp skin for Win Amp. The new version is absolutely packed with detail and is taking a long time to finish, so ...